Adat Chaverim's Steinberg Cultural Sunday School reflects the values of Humanistic Judaism, and is built on mutual trust and respect through open and honest communication between teachers, parents, and students.
Our innovative program is designed to instill our students with a meaningful Jewish identity grounded in Humanistic philosophy and Jewish culture, history and customs. Lessons are structured to encourage students to think for themselves and apply what they learn to their daily lives. Our educational values include cooperation, compassion, courage, integrity, respect for all human beings, care for the planet, and the importance of working for peace and justice.
Areas of focus include:
Jewish history
Jewish cultural diversity
Jewish holidays
Humanistic approach to Biblical and Rabbinic texts
Ethical wisdom
Contributions of secular Jews
Social activism​

For Humanistic Jews, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is the time a Jewish child begins the journey toward adulthood. A humanistic Bar or Bat Mitzvah is the public recognition that the child has the capacity and maturity to take on greater responsibility for the decisions that he or she will make.
The focal point for each child is to create a process that helps him or her to grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. When the bar/bat mitzvah year is over, the young adult will feel a greater sense of personal strength and a greater connection to the Jewish people and to humankind.
The B’nei Mitzvah Program involves several required and recommended tasks to prepare each child for this important life cycle event. Cantor Friedmann mentors the student, assists the family, and helps the student officiate the culminating ceremony.